Healthy Birth
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HypnoBirthing is a Gold Standard evidence-based childbirth education; a holistic approach to childbirth bridges the gap between science and nature. HypnoBirthing -The Mongan Method is ideal for all expectant parents who wanted a calm and beautiful birth regardless of the birth outcome.

From prenatal bonding, birth plan creation, active birth method for partner to understand your newborn. You and your partner will learn ways to calm baby in Four sessions and parent classes online course

If you are giving birth in Singapore, confuse and not knowing what to expect during labour and birth or simply require additional support, consider hiring a Birth Doula. Labour Home Consultation for guidance in labour.

For busy couples and experienced parents who wanted skill based labour coping strategy and calm way to care for your newborn in 7 hours with complementary online childbirth education course learn at your own paced

“Calming Baby class was very helpful especially when I was thrown into breastfeeding at every 2 hours interval. I was flipping through the notes on all the crying cues and how to latch etc. At least, when she cried, we understood why?” Wendy Chua, first-time mother.

Giving birth is a family event that involves the woman, her birth partner/husband, and her baby. The role of the labouring woman is to give birth. Birth partner will learn ways relax and exercises to stretch tight muscles, help baby stay in optimal position for labour. Help labour progress with various Labour Tools.

Prepare for parenthood begins with Nurturing self and nurturing your partner. It is the first-step towards giving your baby the right to be born healthy. We aim to achieve holistic health.

Butterfly Touch Massage Therapy is a light touch that involves stroking on the surface of the skin without any pressure. It is done by the therapist to anyone from babies to elderly

Schedule a private birth consultation of 1-2hours to help your baby re-position himself to an optimal birth position for labour and birth. If you are not sure what to do, let our Birth Expert answer your queries.

Numbers Speak
Upcoming Prenatal Childbirth Classes & Events
Sunday, 10.30 am
Sunday, 2.30 pm
Thursday, 7.00 pm
Sunday, 3.00pm
Sunday, 2.30pm
Sunday, 3.00 pm – 6 pm
Sunday, 2:00 pm to 6 pm
Sunday, 11 am to 6 pm
Stephanie Birth Experience
Matured mother is wiser and more educated if she is motivated to give birth naturally? Above 40 years old give birth for the first time? No problem! Stephanie was 41 years old, not only she achieved a pain-free birth, her birth was Fast and Easy, not fast and furious.
You can give birth without pain, that’s true. It was really nice and good experience for me. So, thanks to HypnoBirthing!
What My Clients Say About Me
This is the best way to start my parenting journey – By empowering my child, instead of trying to control him.
Yen created the right environment where my wife and i can open-up and get coached in techniques to make birthing a pleasurable memory.
I learned a lot from the classes on overcoming my fear of birthing naturally without the use of pain relief drugs. I have gained a lot of confidence in trusting my body and my baby to do the job as nature has intended, so as to give my baby the best start in life and my body the best possible recovery post-birth. I look forward to using the techniques I learned from the classes when I birth my third child in two months’ time.
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