Christopher, a father of four

HypnoBirthing course saved me money, unwanted stress of the unknown! When I heard from my wife about HypnoBirthing, the first thought which came to my mind was- are you out of your mind? She was a Mother of 3 boys already and all were natural birth as to what I understood then. I thought she had nothing else better to do to pay someone to hypnotize her so she could give birth to our 4th child. I was Glad that I didn’t miss any of the sessions as my perception of hospitals, doctors, nurses, parents old wives tales and especially the concept of natural birth totally changed! I felt that I was enlightened and to be made more fully aware of all the methods being practiced. Fast forwarding to the delivery date. I must comment that we really liked Thomson Medical Centre and our Gynae Dr Pamela Tan who was calm and supported us fully in our requests to go for fully natural birth. Whatever I learnt from Yen all came naturally at that moment. Our 4th baby boy was welcomed into this world fully natural and he is now 4 months old weighing 8kg, smiling and the journey continues.

Dr. Gabriel, a GP, father of 2

I really thank my wife for her good sense. I went through HypnoBirthing evidence and found pretty good evidence that it reduces pain and help woman achieve soothing birth. It was an amazing experience for me as a Family Physician as I never seen a woman so calm and delivered the baby that way. The concept of pain was foreign to us. I don’t believe evidence is everything. In fact, common sense is what matters when family grow closer together.

Yee Siang, a father of two

Audrey and I turned to HypnoBirthing for our 2nd birth after a stressful and actively managed 1st birth. Audrey trusted her ability to birth naturally as a woman, and was able to remain calm and joyful during the birthing process. I was confident, composed and stress free this time as a birthing partner. It was really beautiful and touching to witness Audrey birth Kaeus naturally in a joyful and calm manner. Our HypnoBirthing experience was definitely a healing birth to our 1st. Yee Siang second birth

Stephen, a father of one

I was in Awe witnessing my wife give birth naturally! As a first-time dad, I had no idea of the enormous body of knowledge out there on birthing. My first instinct, however, is to provide Yvonne with all the support necessary. I was committed to do what she had wanted. We attended Yen’s HypnoBirthing classes with an open mind and I was determined to be the A+ student and to learn whatever I could despite a small voice of doubt which said that there could never be a pain-free delivery. I took the lessons seriously, and every night before we went to sleep, I encouraged Yvonne to practice what we learnt in class. My favourite time of the night was when we held hands listening to the calm and soothing HypnoBirthing CD and connecting with our unborn baby. When the time came, It was nothing short of a miracle when I witnessed my wife giving birth to our beautiful daughter, Charlotte, naturally. I was in awe! Stephen, first-time father

Brad, father of two

“Watching my wife HypnoBirthed Jonah was extraordinary. It was both Easy to support my wife and simply beautiful to see her resolved, relaxed and happy as we welcomed our new son who flowed into the world so peacefully.” ~ Brad, second-time dad Read more

My wife wanted a drug-free and needle-free birth. When she read up about HypnoBirthing, we knew we had to attend the class! Best decision ever! Not only but she also had a painless birth twice! We attended Yen's class for our first child and used the knowledge for our second child too. I was able to help my wife to deal with the queries from the nurses according to our birth plan and to ensure my wife can stay as relaxed as possible. During both births, I engaged Yen through the phone for support and she supported us throughout even without remuneration for the second birth! Without Yen and HypnoBirthing, I will be another helpless daddy, and my wife will not be enjoying the process of such a miraculous event.

Zac, father of 3

I only made it to one HypnoBirthing class due to my work commitment. When Sarah was having surges, I didn't get to time the surges as we were travelling. By the time we reached home, she was in the shower, suddenly there was a gush of water released. By the time I wanted to time her surges, I could see baby's head. In just two minutes, baby was born. I didn't expect that birth could be so easy. I was so excited that I actually received my own baby. Zech, second-time father
