HypnoBirthing Singapore by Birth Discovery

HypnoBirthing Stories Singapore by Birth Discovery

Brad and Tia took up HypnoBirthing childbirth preparation course for a better birth experience for their second child. During the labour, Brad guided Tia through a magical visualisation of a birthing journey like what Brad described it. We hope more daddies can share their birth story. If you support this HypnoBirth Dad, give him a Like on Facebook. 

Juwon and her husband wanting a total natural birth for their second birth unlike her first birth where she was induced and had to succumb to drugs. Unfortunately, she was again being induced. This time, she and her husband were fully prepared with the right mindset and practised HypnoBirthing techniques during her labour. Despite their decision to go ahead with chemical induction, she achieved a positive birth and welcomed her second baby without taking any pain relief medication. If you like Juwon’s satisfying birth, please Like and Share on Facebook.

If you are a first-time parent, here are some HypnoBirthing first birth stories

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Yen, the Founder of Birth Discovery has been serving parents in labour and birth since 2011. She offers her specialty HypnoBirthing Childbirth Classes & prenatal services focusing on helping expectant couples to see the complete picture in parenthood from nurturing your baby’s physical health and emotional well-being leading to a better family’s future health.

She is on a mission to educate parents to embark parenthood journey from before conception to the baby’s first year of life. These services include preconception cleansing, transforming stress, and releasing mental-emotional blockages to stress-free early parenthood.

Contact us if you want to be in control of your birth yet fully relax bringing your baby into this world holistically healthy. Birth Relaxation or  hypnobirthing childbirth class!

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