Prepare for Optimal Health Before Getting Pregnant

Prepare for Parenthood- Is it necessary? Baby’s health is  a reflection of parents’ health, in particularly the mother’s health. Parenthood begins before conception.

Are you ready to embark on a self-discovery journey? Prepare both partners for a nurturing conception and achieve Optimal Health. This includes overhauling your body, releasing emotional trauma especially primal trauma, and transforming stress and limiting beliefs into a whole-brain state to create positive changes in life for growth.

According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, Cell Biologist, illnesses are due to trauma, toxins and negative thoughts and emotions. There is another one, in which I sum it up to what I call the 4T. The fourth one is Technology. In this first session, we shall uncover the root cause of trauma that hinders the flow of energy, and that keeps you feeling stress.

Trauma is defined as any experience that interrupts or influences the flow of life energy – Dr. Eva Reich, Gentle Bio-Energetics.

In these sessions, I will use Kinesiology (muscle testing) to determine the best approach to address the condition.

I will primarily use two approaches.

To release emotional baggage, increase life energy using Gentle Bio-Energetic Body Therapy. Transform negative beliefs, self-sabotaging beliefs into a state of peace and non-attachment using PSYCH-K Change Process.

Kong Choon Yen will determine the tools used in the session. We will focus on “Offloading” and bringing joy back into your life. Improve physical health with detoxification and rejuvenation program, bring the nervous system into a state of balance, release trauma and increase life energy. Rewire the subconscious mind for success.

3 Steps to a Nurturing Conception –
Self Reflection on Back to Basic, Rejuvenate your body, increase vitality, Reconnect with yourself and nurture yourself

Gentle BioEnergetics involves working with all aspects of the individual; cognitive, physical, emotional, and spiritual.  It is both educational and body therapy used in psychotherapy. There are special areas that the therapy addresses where the memory may be maintained in our bodies including pre-verbal trauma (prenatal time to first 2 years of age), unconscious states, and trance states.  Just to name a few common tools I use but not limited to below techniques in the sessions.

There are many areas this body therapy addresses:

“How do you stop yourself from getting what you want? ~ Richard Overly, Director of Gentle Bio-Energetics Institute helps you understand yourself and be your therapist.

Gentle Bio-Energetics Body Therapy provide many tools to release trauma trapped in the body and restore energetic flow for health and happiness in life. 

There are assessment tools like Trauma Lifeline, Butterfly Touch Massage to release birth trauma, Metamorphosis to release emotional baggage from conception to birth, Head Balance for stress reliefs and deep relaxation, Brazilian Toes to promote healthy growth, Gentle Bio-Energetic Balance for the sick and anyone who had anesthesia.

Your therapist will know what tools to use for particular psychology or physical issues.

Fastest method of assessment to identify root cause and issues of trauma. It is also a therapy session. This is usually the first session. It is important to identify the nature of the problems, the connection and emotional energetic level to the body. This includes gathering information your own conception, in utero experience, the birth experience, pre-verbal time, unconscious state to present life. Trauma Life-Line helps to create the possibility of change for growth.

Butterfly Touch Massage melts the body’s defense system. Stimulates the tissues to release trapped energy in the body. It is the first step towards the expansion of life energy to flow freely. 

Head Balance – Instill total deep relaxation. Suitable for anyone who are stressed. It brings energy down to the body.

Metamorphosis-Release emotional baggage of our lives in the time of conception from conception to birth to feel love and bring joy back to our lives.

PSYCH-K is a whole-brain balancing change process that transforms stress and anxiety into a state of balance.

It releases mental-emotional stress & body conditions, uncovers messages from physical conditions, self-limiting beliefs, and lessons that may cause health issues, allergies, phobias, everyday situations, and more. For preparation before conception, release of birth issues may be necessary.
More information can be found by clicking here.

  1. Rebirth in Nature, is a process-based supported by nature where the goal is for participants to disconnect stresses/emotional baggage transferred from the umbilical to the baby in the womb and release the trauma of birth process. 
  2. Rebirth in a Hammock, a sensorial stimulation with sound bath and guided birth imprint recoding to bring about rewriting of the prenatal and birth story without having to go through the drama.
  3. Limbic Imprint Recoding-One of Birth into Being’s powerful process to 

Session Duration and Fee

Are you ready to embark on a Creative Parenthood Journey of self-inquiry?

Each session may take 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes.
Per session: $100  (virtual Zoom), $150 in person
4 sessions for $500 to be used within 3 months

Step 1: Self Discovery Journey into Parenthood

  • How do you improve your health and achieve optimal health for fertility?
  • What can you do to reduce the stresses in life and achieve healthy conception?
  • What is not working?
  • Find the missing link between what you do and the therapy you seek
  • How to increase your chance of fertility and reduce the risks of miscarriage?

Step 2: Overhaul Your Body for Optimal Conception

If you are motivated to complete overhauling your body for optimal health, or learn life skills to improve your health through diet, whole food supplements, read the blog here

Overhaul Your Body Now
