HypnoBirthing method should be an essential part of the new mother’s birth preparation

I had a wonderful painless birth – Manasa

Pushing was not what I learnt in HypnoBirthing.~Kayal first birth in 2016

Although Kerry’s birth didn’t end up a drug-free birth that she planned, she was in control of her decision making. Jett was born in 2015 without incident and I feel blessed to have such an amazing experience where I felt in complete control thanks to the HypnoBirthing approach.

Fiona wrote: I was glad that I attended your HypnoBirthing classes. The HypnoBirthing classes empowered me with the power and ability to birth Lavina gently and painlessly. Listening to the CD and practising the relaxation techniques during the classes and during my free time made it easier on “Labour Day”. It was an awesome birthing experience that will etch in my memory for life. Unlike those experience relate by my relatives and friends nor those seen in the TV dramas, I was able to walk around, shower, eat and relax with the gym ball despite having surges and was almost 6cm dilated. My hubby and me almost treated the birth room as a staycation. As a mum, I wanted the best for my child and firmly believe that HypnoBirthing gives babies the best start in life with positive effects that are far reaching. The entire birthing process also further bond our family relationship. Thanks Yen for the moral support throughout the birthing stage. Fiona is the founder of www.Carousell.com/castleair. If you like her story, give her a Like on Facebook.

Despite a long labour of 3 days, Orelia was determined to birth her baby naturally without any chemical pain-relief because she believes she can do it unlike her own mother who told her that birth was a suffering. Watch her share her positive and empowered birth experience in our first World HypnoBirthing Day in November 2015. See her video here.

Michelle and Aaron attended HypnoBirthing Childbirth Education to prepare for her first birth. They missed class four due to a viral infection and Michelle needed to be monitored at he hospital. When they came to the last class, she said to me “Yen, you must be very proud of us” and then the story went….See Michelle’s storyby clicking the picture. If you like her story, give her a Like on Facebook.

Stephanie joined HypnoBirthing course only at 36 weeks gestation and birthed her baby at 40 weeks gestation easily. See her full story here.

LiLin was a unique HypnoBirthing student of mine who surprised me with her answer when I asked, “what are you looking for in your birth experience”. She replied a Fast, Smooth and Profound experience. She worked toward her goal in achieving the kind of birth she wanted, sought the right fit, a pro-natural birth doctor, a doula and the right environment. Despite her condition that warrant immediate induction, she did it gracefully and confidently. she achieved a short 3-hour profound birthing experience, of course without chemical pain-relief. Read her full story here.
Read other stories of second and fourth birth using HypnoBirthing-The Mongan Method. Click here.