“When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change”. ~ Marie Mongan, the founder of HypnoBirthing®

Can women above 40 years old give birth naturally? Stephanie was pregnant at 41 healthy and labour without pain

Stephanie took up private HypnoBirthing course at 36 weeks gestation and welcomed her baby at 40 weeks. She described her birth as “Easy and No Pain”. Though HypnoBirthing-The Mongan Method did not guarantee that those who attended HypnoBirthing childbirth course would definitely experience their birth as pain free. Pain-free and definitely drug-free birth was possible and that the philosophy of natural birth might not always accompany with pain sensation. Stephanie’s birth experience again proved us right.
Stephanie was in labour for two hours at home where she felt no discomfort at all. When her surges were 3 minutes apart, she decided to go to the hospital. She described that the drip (Intravenous catheter insertion) the nurse did on her hand was more painful than her surges (contractions). Watch her sharing in these videos.
“I gave birth on 8 December 2015 to little Louna. After two hours at home in labour it seems, but I wasn’t sure I was in labour, because I was not in pain. It was like every 3 minutes so I use the Surge Breathing at that time but I still wasn’t sure I was in labour so I was staying at home hoping the pain will come. But no pain was there. So after two hours I lost the mucus plug so I decided to go to the hospital with my friend. It was in the middle of the night at 2.00am, so we reached the hospital at 2.40am and I was 6cm dilated. Then it was a bit of a rush, 20 minutes later, I was fully opened. At that time I was using Surge Breathing, they ask me to push, of course I wasn’t listening to what they were saying. I was using J Breath which helped me a lot and the baby came after 10 minutes. So, within 3 hours 10 minutes, Louna came into this world.”
Does age of the pregnant mother determines her ability to give birth naturally?
Stephanie was 41 years old when she gave birth to her baby. She chose HypnoBirthing course to prepare for her labour. Not only she gave birth without epidural and without the feeling of pain, she had easy and fast labour. Watch her video interview in the above.
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Stephanie said: “During birth, I felt very well. As I said not in pain at all. The drip they put on my arm is much more painful than the whole process. It was very nice moment for me. It was great. You can give birth without pain, that’s true. I used Surge Breathing and J Breathing at the end to push the baby out. It was really really good. Still no pain, it was really nice and good experience for me. So, thanks to HypnoBirthing!” If you like Stephanie’s story, please give her a Facebook Like and Share her story.