Antenatal Birth Classes | Crash Course

This Birth Preparation Course is suitable for all expectant parents 15 weeks and above.

These prenatal birth classes are also designed for experienced parents who wanted more hands-on labour techniques to build better relationships with their partners and deepen the bond with their babies.

These parent classes are designed for you to prepare parents with knowledge with a combination of onsite hands-on labour relaxations techniques for husband, ways to calm your newborn and yourself, and online prenatal parent classes. 

You will learn the topics below:

  • Prenatal bonding with your baby and with your partner
  • Prenatal Memory- Baby’s Consciousness
  • What about Baby? Voice of Baby
  • Gentle beginnings to improve birth and the health of your baby
  • Understand your baby’s basic needs by baby’s body language and identify the baby’s needs with Dunstan Baby Language.
  • Help baby feel connected with the right level of bonding touch, reduces colics, and improves digestion.
  • When all things fail, Dr Harvey Karp’s will show you how to activate the baby’s calming reflexes by the famous paediatrician and author of Happiest Baby On The Block.
  • Birth planning – create your birth team
  • This is an advanced active birth class used by Birth Doula.
  • Train your husband/birth partner on useful labour relaxation and active birth techniques
  • Partner light touch relaxation massage, acupressure points to enhance relaxation and speed up labour
  • Identify your baby’s position for optimal labour
  • Troubleshooting for labour progress with body alignment exercises
  1. Prenatal Yoga Class
  2. Breakthrough in Birth
  3. Partner in Parenting
  4. Emotional Health with Aromatherapy
  5. Breastfeeding Basics
  6. Pregnancy Optimal Health & Nutrition
birth discovery singapore

2-Day Intensive Birth Course 
Sunday 2.00 pm – 6.00 pm (Onsite)
Venue: The Mind Sanctuary, 10 Winstedt Rd, #01-04 Singapore 227977

Experiential classes: $450 per couple in an intimate group setting

Antenatal Birth Group ClassesBatch 1Batch 2
Welcoming Baby-Online CourseOwn TimeOwn Time
Class 1 – Active Birth Preparation23 Mar27 Apr
Class 2 – Conscious Parenting & Newborn Care30 Mar4 May

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