Stephen Tjoa Father’s Story

As a first-time dad, I had no idea of the enormous body of knowledge out there on birthing.

Like Yvonne, I greeted the news of her pregnancy with profound happiness. At the same time, however, I knew the journey would be daunting. 

My first instinct was to provide Yvonne with all the support necessary.

I was committed to doing what she had wanted. She was focused on having a natural birth. Based on my knowledge back then, I thought that this decision meant having to endure pain.

Like Yvonne, I attended Yen’s HypnoBirthing classes with an open mind. I was determined to be the A+ student and to learn whatever I could despite a small voice of doubt which said that there could never be a pain-free delivery. I took the lessons seriously, and every night before we went to sleep, I encouraged Yvonne to practice what we learned in class.

My favourite time of the night was when we held hands listening to the calm and soothing HypnoBirthing CD and connecting with our unborn baby.

When the time came, Yen was there in the wee hours encouraging Yvonne and reinforcing the positive messages we learned at HypnoBirthing class.

It was nothing short of a miracle when I witnessed my wife giving birth to our beautiful daughter, Charlotte, naturally. Yen never stopped whispering words of encouragement throughout the entire process with genuine love and care.

I am grateful for Yen’s guidance and patience, and most of all, her dedication to mothers and fathers everywhere that birthing should be natural and painless.

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