Kong Choon Yen organised the First World HypnoBirthing Day 25th Anniversary in 2015
Who is Kong Choon Yen?
Kong Choon Yen is a Certified HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Educator affiliated with the HypnoBirthing® Institute. My journey began when I decided to prepare myself for a healthy pregnancy for a new life to grow in my womb. After a year of preparation including modifying my diet to more living food and intensive detoxification and rejuvenation program, I conceived easily. With that “clean” body, my mind was clearer too. That lead me into now a profession called HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Educator, Holistic Birth Doula, Infant Massage Instructor and a Good Beginnings Angel, known to many as a Birth Expert. I am also a speaker, Global Spark Conscious Leader and #1 International Bestselling Author of a book Yes I Can! 16 Success Secrets of Inspiring Women Around The World.
Being a mother changed my priority in life and turn my life around. I learned from my past birth experience that I felt inadequate and helpless in my first birth, but an empowered and confident experience from my second pregnancy to birth through a series of preparation even before conception to a total drugged-free birth. This journey not only was healing for me but it helped me transform. It’s a reflection of myself that lead me into holistic living and got my foot into the birthing industry since 2011.
What I think I do best
HypnoBirthing-The Mongan Method brought light to me when I prepared for my second birth. It’s my turn now to impart to you the Art and Joy of Birthing method that focuses on returning confidence to the labouring mother to trust her birthing instinct. In this program, I dispel common myths of childbirth, eliminate fears related to the labouring process, bring the family together, get the husband/partner involvement to work with you as a team in your birth. We won’t forget your baby.
My role as a Birth Doula is to provide you with the kind of support caters to your needs, guide you step by step throughout the childbirth process including the postpartum period. I hope that with my calm presence and support, you and your partner feel more settle and focus on enjoying the birth process. When both partners are mentally prepared with the right mindset, we can achieve an unmedicated birth without fear so that you can focus on welcoming your baby into your arms fully alert, connected and with a sense of peace.
HypnoBirthing Singapore: Natural Childbirth Education Singapore.
Read more about HypnoBirth…
- Voice of Baby
- Julia’s Breech Baby and Big Baby
- Cesarean or Natural Birth
- Sarah’s Third Birth-This time totally without induction
Looking for The Best Antenatal Classes in Singapore? There are MANY benefits to taking a prenatal class in Singapore . Unmedicated / Natural Childbirth Workshop.
“What is HypnoBirthing?”- Kong Choon Yen from Birth Discovery 1. HypnoBirthing Mongan Method Course 2. Natural Childbirth Education Course 3. Breathing Techniques – Calm Breath 4. We don’t push our baby out, we breathe our baby down as its more natural. 5. Affirmations & Visualisation. 6. Work with your body, natural, numb your senses. 7. Deeply Relax. 8. Role of Mother, Role of Husband as a Birth Doula, 9. Role of Baby to birth themselves. 25 -32 and not late to join at 37 weeks All expectant mums including those with cesarean birth
What is HypnoBirthing -The Mongan Method
HypnoBirthing founder Marie Mongan knows from her own four births that it is not necessary for childbirth to be a terribly painful experience. In this book she shows women how the Mongan Method works and how parents they can take control of the greatest and most important event of their lives. With HypnoBirthing, your pregnancy and childbirth will become the gentle, life-affirming process!
HypnoBirthing the Mongan Method Singapore
Childbirth Education | Birth Courses | Pregnancy Classes
HypnoBirthing is a celebration of life and in embracing a natural birth, connection with your pre-born baby, will build a better understanding of your baby as a conscious little person who can interact with you, even before birth. HypnoBirthing techniques teach woman how to release all prior programming about birth to free herself of limiting thoughts and emotions about birthing.