Hypnobirthing Tips for Induction

Tips To Prepare For A Positive Induction
Sometimes pregnant mothers question whether induction means that everything they have learned in the HypnoBirthing course goes out the window. Watch what Julie has to say.

How Julie who had gestational diabetes and cervix funneling, felt very much in control despite being induced?

The most beautiful part was that she and her husband worked as a team to bring their baby into this world calmly and without pain.

HypnoBirthing Childbirth Education

Why do you need to take Hypnobirthing Childbirth Classes for expectant couples?


Here is where you learn to be in control in HypnoBirthing Childbirth Education. Just like many pregnant mothers who were told that they may need to be induced and that they may not cope and need epidural and Pitocin, and that they cannot have a natural birth. That is not true! You can be in control. In fact, you can improve your condition and avoid unnecessary chemical induction to start your labour.

So, whether you think you may need labour induction, cesarean, or are not sure what to expect in labour. We will guide you throughout this Birth Mentoring Program when you sign up for HypnoBirthing – The Mongan Method Childbirth Education with Birth Discovery.

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