Looking for Hypnobirthing Childbirth Course or Training? Hypnobirthing is about mentally preparing yourself for childbirth with the help of positive thoughts and deep relaxation.
Contact HypnoBirthing Singapore – Birth Discovery.
What is antenatal care / parentcraft (before birth)? What Is a Postpartum Doula?
Doula assists you and your husband to plan your dream birth and ease the birthing process using non drugs method so that you achieve a satisfying and joyful birth.
A postpartum doula can provide support in the delicate time after your baby is born. Here’s more about what a postpartum doula does and the benefits of this type of service. The postpartum period is a major time of transition for you, your body, and your whole family too. This period of time is often called the fourth trimester, and for good reason!
Many doulas — whether birth or postpartum — complete training and certification programs before practicing. A birth doula provides support during the actual labor and birth, a postpartum doula provides non-medical support in these important days and weeks following delivery.
This support is emotional and physical, as well as informational. And while the doula does help with infant care, her primary focus is on the mother and her family. At the most basic level, postpartum doulas can provide support and information about infant feeding practices — like breastfeeding — as well as tips and tricks for calming your newborn and dealing with all those new parenting responsibilities.
A postpartum doula can also help with your physical or emotional recovery during the fourth trimester. If you needed extra help in these areas, your doula is also a great resource for finding the right places to get what you need.
Other areas of support include:
- doing light housework (tidying, vacuuming, etc.)
- making meals
- providing evidence-based information on all things newborn/postpartum
- promoting self-care
- advocating for the mother
- helping siblings adjust
- referring to additional support in all topics baby/mom
- Postpartum doulas don’t do things like offer medical advice, provide medical care, or speak for the mother or family on any medical matters. Instead, the doula provides the information, resources, and support. If they can’t help you, they can help you find someone who can.
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Learn more about the natural childbirth method and decide whether it’s … Method or take a HypnoBirthing class.