Childbirth Classes Singapore. Welcome to Childbirth Classes Singapore by Birth Expert Singapore Kong Choon Yen! We regard childbirth education as an integral part of our family centred care. Awaiting the arrival of your baby can cause unnecessary anxiety and apprehension.
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Doula | Prenatal Support | Postnatal Support
Birth Discovery teaches hypnobirthing classes to pregnant women in Singapore

Childbirth Education Classes | Singapore Childbirth Classes | HypnoBirthing Singapore by Kong Choon Yen. Kong Choon Yen is a Certified HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Educator affiliated with the HypnoBirthing® Institute.
Prenatal, or Antenatal, Parentcraft Courses. Childbirth Education Course.
Childbirth Odyssey is now rebranded as Birth Discovery. Birth Discovery offers couples childbirth education classes, birth doula support, postpartum support, fertility support, coaching & therapy and other services.
Husband is trained to support her like a Birth Doula, they bring back positive experience. Stephanie said You can give birth without pain, that is true! When mom trained to relax, she will deliver the baby with ease.
HypnoBirthing Singapore by Birth Discovery
HypnoBirthing – FAQs | HypnoBirthing Course | Hypnobirthing Classes | HypnoBirthing Free Phone Consultation | Doula Services | Services, Consultations, Tools & Classes
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Obstetricians who support Natural Birth and Water Birth in Singapore
Choon Yen is a birth expert as well as a certified and qualified birth and baby coach in Singapore, having assisted hundreds of parents. Doulas Of Singapore Are Certified Birth Professionals. Pregnancy birth and postpartum support at the highest professional standard.
HypnoBirthing – The Mongan Method. In today’s birthing environment in Singapore, parents are exposed to lots of negative perception. Antenatal care is designed to provide you with detailed and thorough information as you prepare for childbirth and parenthood. Topics include: Pregnancy Changes, Labour & Delivery, Post Delivery Care, Breastfeeding Preparations & Other Common Concerns.
Childbirth Classes Singapore | HypnoBirthing, Childbirth Education Classes | Singapore Childbirth Classes | Prenatal, or Antenatal, Childbirth Education Course. Learn more. Antenatal care is designed to provide you with detailed and thorough information as you prepare for childbirth and parenthood. Make an appointment online.

Kong Choon Yen HBCE, BD(CBI), HBIMI
Looking to attend Hypnobirthing Classes in Singapore?
Kong Choon Yen (The Birth Expert in Singapore) is a Certified HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Educator affiliated with the HypnoBirthing® Institute. Yen used the HypnoBirthing method to birth her second son and found the method empowering and satisfying. She decided to impart this natural childbirth education enhanced by self-hypnosis techniques called HypnoBirthing-The Mongan Method to expectant mothers who want a calm and a healthy birth experience or natural birth story without succumb to drugs whenever possible, and to the husbands who want to make a vital contribution in welcoming their baby into their world in a safe, easier and healthier birth together as a family.
Yen also supports couples during the birthing process as a Certified Birth Doula in Singapore to inspire couples to take charge of their birth, birth plans and make the birthing experience or child birth experience in Singapore a positive and satisfying one.
She is also a Certified Infant Massage Instructor who provides tools and techniques to parents who want to help their baby to adjust to the new environment in a smooth and easy way.
Private Consultation | Calming baby | Labour Tools for Husbands
Birth Relaxation | Prepare for Conception | Good Beginnings
Touch Relaxation | Psych-K
Yen pays close attention to clearing mental-emotional blockages particularly during the prenatal and perinatal period lead her to train in a therapeutic modal for healing and growth psychotherapy called Gentle Bio-Energetic and a simple process called Psych-K to rewire the subconscious beliefs. Yen started a Holistic Pregnancy and Birth Support Group since 2014 advocating a holistic living for individuals and families who want to prepare themselves mentally, emotionally and physically before conception through post-birth.