HypnoBirthing Class Singapore | Natural Birth Techniques (Methods)

HypnoBirthing Class Singapore | Natural Birth Techniques (Methods)

Hypnobirthing is as much a philosophy of birth as it is a technique for achieving a satisfying, … Classes are only taught by qualified hypnobirthing practitioners.

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Juwon and her husband wanting a total natural birth for their second birth unlike her first birth where she was induced and had to succumb to drugs. Unfortunately, she was again being induced. This time, she and her husband were fully prepared with the right mindset and practised HypnoBirthing techniques during her labour. Despite their decision to go ahead with chemical induction, she achieved a positive birth and welcomed her second baby without taking any pain relief medication. If you like Juwon’s satisfying birth, please Like and Share on Facebook.

If you are a first time parent, here are some HypnoBirthing first birth stories

HypnoBirthing® antenatal classes in Singapore provide the missing link allows women to use their natural instincts to bring about a safer, healthier and easier pregnancy and childbirth.

HypnoBirthing Singapore by Birth Discovery

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Obstetricians who support Natural Birth and Water Birth in Singapore

HypnoBirthing Story Singapore – Looking for birth doula singapore, natural birth courses & Childbirth education in Singapore. – Best Hypnobirthing Tips

When Anna was in labour, she reached a phase where she had to decide whether to retreat or face her own fear. At that split second, she remembered a powerful statement I shared on Facebook. She decided to face her fear using a Birth Affirmation to bring her focus back at the point where she lost focus. After I heard her birth affirmations, I was like “wow! you are one powerful woman!”

Watch her sharing her birth on video. If you like Anna’s story, Like and help her inspired other families by sharing her story on Facebook.

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